
The latest news and notes



One of the most important IEP meeting tools

One of the most important IEP meeting tools

You just finished your child’s IEP meeting.  Everyone had a lot to contribute, and it was a fairly productive meeting.  The team shared feedback on your child plus ideas, suggested edits, goals and services to be added to the updated IEP.  IEP meetings can be stressful so you may have felt anxious or emotional during the meeting.  Now that the meeting is over, you are reviewing your notes and processing everything that was discussed.  What should you do now?

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Executive Functioning:  What is it and a free conference to help you learn more and skill build. 

Executive Functioning:  What is it and a free conference to help you learn more and skill build. says that executive functioning can be described as “the management system of the brain.” This is a good umbrella way of thinking about the executive functions but to get more specific, executive functions generally include the following skills: impulse control, emotional control, flexible thinking, working memory, self-monitoring, planning and prioritizing, task initiation and organization.

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Back to School 2020-2021: In-person, Hybrid or Remote? What about students on IEPs?

Back to School 2020-2021: In-person, Hybrid or Remote? What about students on IEPs?

The initial guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (“DESE”) instructed each district to prepare Learning Plans for in-person, hybrid learning and remote learning.  Many districts have presented hybrid and remote learning plans to the community.  What is the guidance for hybrid or remote learning 2020-2021?  How will students on IEPs be considered? 

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