Are you concerned about how your child will receive their IEP services or 504 plan accommodations in the fall? It is paramount to note that districts must continue to provide Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to our children even during the pandemic. This...
Districts are in the process of releasing back to school plans. The initial guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (“DESE”) instructed each district to prepare Learning Plans for in-person, hybrid learning and remote...
Are you looking for guidance when deciding whether to send your child back to school in the fall? The American Academy of Pediatrics created comprehensive guidance and recommendations to support caregivers when planning for back to school, sports, therapy...
If your district is planning to provide in-person learning this fall and you expect to send your child to school, have you read DESE’s transportation guidance? The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released guidance for school...
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released two additional guidance documents for schools to plan for reopening in the fall. A few highlights include: **Students must receive all services documented in their IEPs through in-person...